At Monica Park Christian Church

Stella McCain and Mary Apple Batiste viewing St. Serapion

The Encounter Gallery paintings are currently installed in the sanctuary at Monica Park Christian Church in Garland, Texas. Pastor Eddie Hill and the whole congregation have been so gracious. It’s been a pleasure to meet and talk, and also worship with them on Sunday mornings the last few weeks.

Both sides of the sanctuary before the service.

I tried to be as unobtrusive as I could, but here’s a picture taken of the side walls from the back row during the early part of the service a few weeks ago.

And during the service.

On Thursday, March 28 at 7 pm, Monica Park will hold a Maundy Thursday service. Pastor Eddie has asked me to speak about the paintings and give some insight into why I painted them. I’ve chosen a couple that directly relate to the ideas behind Maundy Thursday, and will end with some stories behind the “24 Feet”, and why I painted that. Please join us!

2 Replies to “At Monica Park Christian Church”

  1. Mr. Reed, thank you so much for your personal and intimate portraits of the gospel encounters with Jesus. Your portrayals are so refreshing. The historical Jesus IS relevant to our generation, but it is sadly almost rare to find and share such beauty from the Lord. I believe we are so distracted with our own pursuits, that we miss Him – not that He is not available. Thank you for sharing these beautiful renditions of the gospel according to Russell Reed. I thank God for your faith and the time, the research, the energy and resources as well as the talent of allowing Jesus to paint His magnanimous condescension through you.

    A French mystic said, “God reveals Himself to the humble in the lowliest of disguises, but the proud who never look below the surface fail to see Him even in His greatest manifestations.” (Jean Pierre de Caussade)

    What a beautiful lens you have in Him.
    Cecelia Fisher

    1. Hi Cecelia,
      Thank you for your encouraging words. You are right, it’s so easy to be distracted with anything and everything. The challenge is to continually regroup and then refocus on the message, the life, the ministry of Jesus. (Preaching to myself here!)
      Thank you,

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